Video Art

I am drawn to using video as another format to render figure ground rhythm. I am interested in positioning the viewer as a still figure facing a perspective of contemplation wherein an awareness rises in what is being seen: shifting colors, tonalities and forms within a landscape surface. Light and motion reveal a texture and a kind of meditative form as this transformative timed medium directs attention to subtlety.

Below are stills taken from single channel videos. Please view on my Vimeo site

landscape video art
“Nostalgic Repetitions: Alson’s Garden, Part One”, 2021, Jamie Hahn, single channel video
Interior Repetitions IV: Part One, Jamie Hahn, 2021, single channel video
Interior Repetitions IV: Part One, 3:52, Jamie Hahn, 2021, single channel video
Interior Repetitions III: Part One, 4:51, Jamie Hahn, single channel video, 2017
Interior Repetitions: II, Jamie Hahn, 2017, still from single channel video
Interior Repetitions: II, 9:32, Jamie Hahn, 2017, still from single channel video

To view:

Interior Repetitions: I, 7:28, Jamie Hahn, 2016, still from single channel video
Interior Repetitions: I, 7:28, Jamie Hahn, 2016, still from single channel video

To view:

The Field, The Geese & The Oak Trees, 15:19, Jamie Hahn, 2016, still from single channel video
The Field, The Geese & The Oak Trees, 15:19, Jamie Hahn, 2016, still from single channel video

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Between Home & Time, 11:11, Jamie Hahn, 2014, still from single channel video
Between Home & Time, 11:11, Jamie Hahn, 2014, still from single channel video

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Merging Space, Merging Place, 43:40, Jamie Hahn, 2012, still from single channel video
Merging Space, Merging Place, 43:40, Jamie Hahn, 2012, still from single channel video

In this piece, I explored ‘space and place’ between my home in Eastern Washington and Northeast Indiana. The video imagery was taken from both locations. I was interested in merging the horizon line within a distance of one square mile from each home place. One question I considered while living in Eastern Washington, was whether or not the sky is larger, the horizon lower than my home in Indiana. The piece revealed that it is lower. Each video was taken at the same height as I drove one square mile around each home and later, merged in editing the final piece. Layers of corn fields blend with wheat fields, trees meet rolling hills of the Palouse.

Deer Field, 4:54, Jamie Hahn, 2010, still from single channel video
Deer Field, 4:54, Jamie Hahn, 2010, still from single channel video

To view an excerpt:

One Reflect One: Indiana, 54:55, Jamie Hahn, 2010, still from single channel video
One Reflect One: Indiana, 54:55, Jamie Hahn, 2010, still from single channel video

To view an excerpt:

My Horizon, 18:30, Jamie Hahn, 2009, still from single channel video
My Horizon, 18:30, Jamie Hahn, 2009, still from single channel video

To view an excerpt:

Walking Up, 18:54, Jamie Hahn, 2008, still from single channel video
Walking Up, 18:54, Jamie Hahn, 2008, still from single channel video

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